Fissidens fontanus (fissidens moss) – on plate


Fissidens fontanus, commonly known as Fissidens moss, is a highly sought-after moss species in aquascaping due to its unique, delicate appearance and low-maintenance nature. This moss features tiny, bright green, fan-like leaves that grow in dense clusters along fine, branching stems, creating a soft, lush texture. It has a slow to moderate growth rate, making it ideal for aquarists who want to add a natural, mossy effect to their aquascapes without overwhelming the overall layout.


Fissidens fontanus, commonly known as Fissidens moss, is a highly sought-after moss species in aquascaping due to its unique, delicate appearance and low-maintenance nature. This moss features tiny, bright green, fan-like leaves that grow in dense clusters along fine, branching stems, creating a soft, lush texture. It has a slow to moderate growth rate, making it ideal for aquarists who want to add a natural, mossy effect to their aquascapes without overwhelming the overall layout.

Fissidens fontanus can be grown on a variety of surfaces, including rocks, driftwood, and aquarium plates, which makes it a versatile plant for creating stunning focal points or adding depth and greenery to the aquascape. This moss thrives in moderate lighting and can tolerate low-light conditions as well. CO₂ supplementation is recommended to encourage optimal growth and maintain its vibrant color, though it can still grow without it in a well-balanced aquarium environment.

Light requirement: Moderate
CO₂ requirement: Recommended for best growth and coloration (not required)
Fertilization: Regular nutrient dosing for optimal growth
Growth rate: Slow to Moderate
Placement: Foreground to Midground, on rocks, wood, or plates
Price is per one plate of moss.

Fissidens fontanus is ideal for both beginner and experienced aquarists, providing a lush, mossy carpet effect without much maintenance. It helps to absorb excess nutrients and can contribute to water quality, making it an excellent addition to any planted aquarium.


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